
Please ask Trinity or Hightown whether your lease or transfer agreement allows you to keep pets, as the rules vary depending on your tenancy and the type of home you have.

If you do have pets please keep them under control and be considerate to your neighbours. Always keep dogs on a lead in shared areas and do not let them disturb your neighbours by barking persistently. Please make sure that you clear up any mess and get rid of it appropriately.

If you have a private garden and let your dog out, you’re responsible for keeping your dog in your garden. Your neighbours are not responsible for keeping your dog out of their gardens. If you have a problem with your neighbour’s pet, try to speak to your neighbour. If it’s a stray dog causing a nuisance, contact the dog warden at St Albans Council.

cat and-dog

Dog Fouling

Health Risks

Dog fouling is a major concern to many people, not just because of the mess it causes, but because it can be a health risk. Dogs may deposit roundworm eggs (toxocara canis) in their faeces, which become infectious after about 3 weeks, and can remain so for up to 2 years.

Anyone, but particularly children playing near to the ground, can run the risk of picking up and swallowing the eggs. The eggs then hatch in the intestine, burrow through the intestine wall into the blood stream and pass into the body.

Possible symptoms of toxocaral infection range from aches, dizziness and nausea to asthma and pneumonia, but as these symptoms can all be caused by other things, infections often go undiagnosed. In the UK there are around 100 cases of toxocariasis diagnosed each year.

In rare cases eye disease and loss of vision can be caused when the toxocara larva passes through the eye.

Pick up after your dog

  • Always take dog poo bags when walking your dog.

  • Put the bag in your non-recycable bin or bin store.

  • If you don’t pick up the police can issue you with a Fixed Penalty Notice.

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