
If you have a vehicle please make sure you park responsibly. Always use your allocated space(s) for parking your vehicle(s). Leaving vehicles in the wrong place may cause problems for emergency services, refuse collectors or visitors. The visitor spaces marked with a V are for used for temporary parking for visitors to the development, not as secondary spaces

It’s illegal to drive a motor vehicle across a footpath or verge without the kerb being dropped. You can only lower kerbs with our permission and that of the local council. You must not park any vehicle on paths, shared grassed areas or roads on our development.

We will ask the council to tow away any untaxed and abandoned vehicles on our land, and will charge the owner the cost of doing this.


Parking caravans, boats and commercial vehicles

You should not park commercial vehicles, vehicles over 3t gross laden weight, caravans, motorhomes, trailers or boats on any of our roads, communal areas, or in front of your home without gaining permission from us.

Repairing cars and other vehicles

You are not allowed to carry out repairs to any vehicle anywhere on your estate, shared car parks, on roads, drives, footpaths and other shared areas. We appreciate that you may need to carry out minor car repairs to your own vehicle when it is parked on your property, but please make sure that this is not on a regular basis and does not disturb your neighbours.

Terms of the lease/transfer and the use of parking on the development

These applies to all residents on the development.

  • Do park within their own allocated space(s) at all times. If you are not sure which allocated space is yours please contact your Landlord or refer to your lease/transfer for your property. If your property has a garage or carport you may not have an allocated space and this is your parking space for your vehicle(s).

  • Not to use the parking space (if any) for any purpose other than for the purpose of parking private motor vehicles not exceeding 3 tonnes in gross laden weight or motor cycles and not to park or allow to be parked any motor vehicle wheeled vehicle or other form of transport on any other part of the development

  • Not to park at any time on any part of the Estate any boat lorry commercial vehicle of any description trailer caravan or horse box

  • Not to carry out or allow to be carried out any vehicle maintenance on any part of the Estate other than repairs of a minor nature.

  • Not to allow or cause to be allowed the deterioration of any vehicle on the Estate to an unreasonable condition or to abandon any vehicle whatsoever on any part of the Estate and in the event of any breach of this covenant it shall be lawful for the Management Company without prejudice to its rights hereunder to arrange for the removal of such neglected or abandoned vehicle and to recover from the Lessee any costs incurred by them

  • Not to obstruct at any time any accessways roadways entrances stairways or corridors on the Development

  • Not to park any vehicle on the Allocated Space or Visitor’s Parking Space other than a private motor vehicle which is roadworthy (i.e. has a valid MOT or is exempt from an MOT) and properly taxed

  • Not to park any vehicle on any other part of the development (this includes any roads)

  • The right for visitors (in common with other owners of the Dwellings) to the development to park on a temporary basis for the purpose intended in the Visitors Parking Spaces

  • Continuous breaching of the current terms can result in further action being taken to enforce these covenants. Any action will involve the owner/landlord of the property.

Should you own more vehicles than you have allocated spaces, you will need to make alternative arrangements for these other vehicles, which will not inconvenience others, restrict access to any areas of the development or breach any of the terms above.
Below is a plan showing the area (shaded) where these covenants apply.

parking shaded

© 2022 The Old Studios Resident Management Company – All Rights Reserved

Registered in England & Wales at Vantage Point, 23 Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 7DN. Company No. 06510781