Images from the cameras are used to detect, prevent or investigate crime and anti-social behaviour.
Some examples of how the CCTV cameras can be used on a day-to-day basis include:

  • to make Curo Park a safe and clean place in which to live, work and visit

  • to reduce anti-social behaviour, youth nuisance, drug and alcohol misuse and provide public reassurance

  • to gather evidence for use in prosecution of offenders and identify persons who commit offences

  • to gather evidence of ‘Environmental crimes’ such as graffiti, vandalism, littering, dog fouling and fly-tipping

  • to provide support to emergency services

Recorded images
Recordings from the CCTV cameras can be requested by police services and other authorities with a statutory power of prosecution. In criminal matters the police will make any necessary requests for recordings. It is not necessary for anyone involved in either reporting or witnessing a crime to request recordings themselves. Other than criminal proceedings if you have a need to view a recording then a request must be made in writing to The Old Studios RMC giving the location, date and time as accurately as possible. Each request is taken on its merits and relevance. There is an administration charge and proof of identity and address is required before a still or digital copy is provided.

To request a copy of recorded images please contact us.

© 2022 The Old Studios Resident Management Company – All Rights Reserved

Registered in England & Wales at Vantage Point, 23 Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 7DN. Company No. 06510781